Monday, October 25, 2010


Sightings of this creature normally occur when the stars are right, leading to an increase in terrible dreams amongst the psychically inclined, an upsurge in mad sailors and a surfeit of nameless, ebon dread.

Lovecrafts Warbler

An occasional back-garden visitor. In ancient times the appearance of Lovecrafts Warbler was said to herald the manifestation of unnameable eldritch terror.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Shropshire Unpalatable

Said to be the most foul-tempered pig breed currently farmed. Bacon derived from the Shropshire Unpalatable has an unpleasant ammonia-like smell associated with it and is said to have turned several people to vegetarianism.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Barkers' Racist Desert Frog

This frog lives in arid deserts and can hibernate for up to 5 years in deep sand.

Its mating call sounds offensive in 25 languages.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zombine Harvester

I am so concerned about the imaginary zombie apocalypse that is forever on our horizon, that I have developed this, the Zombine Harvester.

I have watched so many films and played many games and feel that the protagonists just don't think big enough. So, the zombine harvester has been developed, carefully funneling zombies with the aid of it's plough into the spinning chains, which quickly dismember zombies into small chunks. I am thinking about an escape vehicle for the driver, should the harvester be overwhelmed. Something like a penny farthing quad bike with sharpened wheels possibly. Click pic to enlarge.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wireless Mouse

Wireless mice have evolved a rudimentary perception of wireless networks, thus enabling them to locate food sources more readily in urban areas. Their chief diet is pastries, muffins, pizza and curry.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sewer Fish

An adult sewer fish can consume upwards of 500 stools a day.